ExNews uses the HN API to fetch and display the current top 50 stories based on score.
GreenBank API
GreenBank is a simulation of a bank API. You can use it to create an account, log in and make transactions within the bank.
ExNews uses the HN API to fetch and display the current top 50 stories based on score.
GreenBank is a simulation of a bank API. You can use it to create an account, log in and make transactions within the bank.
ExHub uses Elixir, Phoenix LiveView, Ecto and HTTPoison to search, store and list GitHub's repositories ordered by stargazers count.
The project also includes a GenServer that behaves like a cache.
The landing page is avaliable on: (Hosted on AWS)
Recreation of the TicTacToe game using Phoenix LiveView.
The project also uses SCSS and LiveComponents
Task Tracker helps you organize your day by keeping track of all of your tasks. After adding a task, you can delete it, set a reminder or mark it as done.
The project uses a RESTful API created in Phoenix and a SPA developed in React.
Small OTP projects written in Elixir.
The projects cover: Supervisor, Dynamic Supervisor, GenStage, Flow, Task, Stream and GenServer.
Based on the Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir book.
GitHub Finder is a SPA that searches for GitHub's users by their usernames. The search returns the account's information and it's related repositories.
Virtual Bank Simulator, where you can create your account, withdraw, deposit and transfer money.
This App uses Server Side Rendering instead of a SPA.
Uses Ecto to create a blog's database.
In this project I could use and learn more about database modelling techniques and it's relationships.
Request Counter uses a GenServer and a Supervisor to validate and store IPs that comes through HTTP Requests.
Simple word replacement game. The app reads a file and replaces it's words according to their size.
If divisible by 3: fizz; If divisible by 5: buzz; If divisible by both: fizzbuzz.